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International Apprentice Bridge Program

Our affordable and condensed Bridge Program allows Instructors who are certified from a non-Classical program, to gain access and become certified in the Classical Methodology through U.S. Pilates™, LLC.





The workshops covering all the apparatus and mat work are broken down into three segments, two to three (2-3) days each, Required reading books will be reviewed and the Apprentice will be tested on these books.


Part 1: Basic Systems Workshop

Beginner system focuses upon technical and teaching aspects of all of the apparatus at this level minus the pedi pull. Modifications for physical limitations are taught.


Part 2: Intermediate Systems Workshop

Intermediate system follows the teaching progression to this level, and outlines the appropriate evolution of the client. Modifications for physical limitations are taught


Part 3: Advanced Systems Workshop

Focuses on the Advanced and some Archival exercises and breaks down the more highly customized needs of the client through identifying weaknesses, or injuries, and applying Classical Pilates. Modifications for physical limitations are taught.





U.S. Pilates™, LLC, and the Classical Pilates USA™ Teacher Certification Program welcome people certified through other reputable Pilates organizations who desire certification in Classical Pilates. U.S. Pilates™, LLC recognizes the value of Pilates education from other reputable institutions. Since every approach is different, and our program is very specific in its proven and honored Classical tradition, we will do an individual assessment for each applicant, customizing their unique “bridge” program requirements to meet their individual needs as follows:


1. Initial interview & intake meeting with Teacher of Teachers (can be done by phone or video.) However, a direct meeting is preferred.


2. Practical & Oral Q & A, two-phase assessment of teaching and performing exercises through the advanced repertoire: Phase I - mat, reformer, chairs Phase II - cadillac, barrels, pedi-pull, magic circle, weights


Focus on “traditional” endings for beginner, intermediate, and advanced routines will be highlighted. Knowledge of which exercises are beginner, intermediate and advanced will be required. Modifications of the exercises to accommodate physical limitations shall also be highlighted.


After the initial interview, the Bridge Apprentice will be contracted to dedicate up to 300-hours to the program along with the completion of the three workshops. The Bridge Program, will be specifically outlined for each Bridge Apprentice by a U.S. Pilates™, LLC Teacher of Teachers/Center Director, emphasizing additional knowledge and review in areas deemed necessary by the U.S. Pilates™, LLC.


If the assessment determines that the Bridge Apprentice will need to accumulate more than 300 hours, then the Bridge Apprentice will need to apply for the full teacher certification program.





Bridging Tuition

Payment Option 1: $3,500 tuition

$500 deposit with application

$3,000 due upon acceptance into the program


Payment Option 2: $3,800 tuition*

$500 deposit with application

$1,800 due upon acceptance into the program

$1,500 final payment due two weeks prior to the Intermediate Workshop


*U.S. Pilates™,LLC must grant approval.


Tuition does not include:

  • Prerequisite interview & practical assessment ($100.00 paid to Center Director)

  • Cost of mandatory private sessions taken prior to and during the Program.

  • Cost of liability insurance (required for each Apprentice including the Bridge Program)

  • Cost associated with traveling to Workshops and/or exams (if applicable).

  • Testing based on your contract, and/or re-tests, where necessary.

    • Basic Practical and Written Assessment: $75.00

    • Intermediate Practical and Written Assessment: $100.00

    • Advanced Practical and Written Assessment: $125.00*


*All Advanced exams are only given by the following:

Brett Howard at the Pilates Haus in Jersey City, New Jersey

David Freeman at Zoeli Pilates in Ft Lauderdale, Florida

Jennifer O’Mara, Teacher Trainer at The Pilates Loft, Orlando, Florida

Tetsuo Yoshida, Teacher Trainer at the Pilates Haus in Jersey City, New Jersey (Japanese Students)


At least two practical exams will be administered at times determined by the Center Director, and there will be a final oral, practical, and written exam once all hours have been completed. Apprentices in the Program must also attend Apprentice meetings at the Certification Center at least once a month. All exams must be passed to achieve certification. If the final exam is not passed, up to 25 hours of additional Apprenticeship hours shall be required before the next exam is retaken. Apprentices in the Bridge Program will be required to teach at the Center and be observed by the Center Director. All of the rules, regulations and guidelines set out for Bridge applicants will be free to continue to teach outside of the Certification Center; however, they may not in any way refer to themselves as certified by the U.S. Pilates™, LLC, or the Classical Pilates USA™ Teacher Certification Program in any manner until a certificate is received. Bridge applicants are required to collect 8 hours of Continuing Education credits per year as offered by the U.S. Pilates™, LLC to maintain full certification status in the Program. 


Leave of Absence Policy

The Apprenticeship reflects a physically intense learning environment. Apprentices with extenuating circumstances may request a leave of absence for a reasonable amount of time. Leaves will be granted at the sole and absolute discretion of U.S. Pilates™, LLC. Apprentices who have been medically rendered unable to exercise for 30 days, must obtain a doctors’ note for reinstatement. Apprentices shall submit written requests to U.S. Pilates™, LLC outlining in detail reasons for a leave of absence.





All Apprentices upon successful completion of the Classical Pilates USA™ Teacher Certification Program are required to attend 8-hours of Continuing Education annually in order for their certificate to be renewed. Credits are collected during the calendar year (January through December) for renewal of the upcoming year. Continuing Education Credits are only earned if the credits are being offered by the U.S. Pilates™, LLC. If Continuing Education credits are not completed during the calendar year, a compliance fee will be imposed to have renewal certificate issued. A certificate will NOT be issued without the proper number of Continuing Education credits.


Year 1: Instructor takes 8 CE credits. A Renewal Certificate is issued.

Year 2: Instructor takes 0 CE credits. No Certificate issued.

Year 3: Instructor takes 4 CE credits. No Certificate is issued.

Year 4: Instructor takes 8 CE credits. A Renewal Certificate will not be issued. Instructor must complete 8 credits in year 5 and in year 5 a Renewal Certificate will be issued provided the Instructor pays $600 representing 8 missed credits in year 2 and 4 missed credits in year 3 for a total of 12 missed credits @ $50 per credit).


Where more than one year goes by with the required number of Continuing Education credits not being taken, the instructor will be responsible for paying the compliance fee of $50 times the number of credits short of the required 8 annual. A compliance fee of $50 per credit for each credit not taken will be required to reinstate instructors Teaching Certificate.


Example 1:

Year 1: Instructor takes full 8 CE credits. A Renewal Certificate is issued.

Year 2: Instructor takes only 4 CE credits. No Certificate issued.

Year 3: Instructor takes full 8 CE credits. A Renewal Certificate can be issued once payment of $200 ($50 x 4 credits for Year 2) is paid. This will bring certificate up to date. Instructors who allow more than 2 consecutive years to pass without taking proper amount of continuing education credits must then maintain two consecutive years of full CE credits before an Instructor Renewal Certificate can be issued. Instructor will be required to pay the Compliance fee of $50.00 per missed CE credit before the certificate will be issued.


Example 2: If Instructor fails to take required Continuing Education for 3 consecutive years, then no new Certificate will be issued. U.S. Pilates™, LLC will submit to Instructor upon request a Compliance Plan in order to get reinstated. Terms of the Compliance Plan will be determined at the sole discretion of the U.S. Pilates™, LLC.


*Seminars and workshops that are taken for continuing education purposes may also be canceled or rescheduled at the sole discretion of the U.S. Pilates. Pilates Instructors taking a workshop or seminar for continuing education credits will be entitled to a refund upon such cancellation or, if requested, upon rescheduling. U.S. PILATES Certified Instructors may attend Workshops offered at any U.S. PILATES Certification Center but shall only be given Continuing Education credits when said attendance is paid for in accordance with U.S. Pilates™, LLC published rates.​​​

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